Sunday, September 14, 2008

10 Reasons Why a Muffin a Day Can Keep the Doctors Away

There is an old adage that says "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." So, how can a muffin trump an apple? Well, it has to be a Miracle Muffin to do that!

And the Miracle Muffin was born...

Miracle Muffins are muffins made with low glycemic, high fiber, high protein, low calorie ingredients. What's in it you ask? The ingredients include wheat bran, wheat gluten, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, soy protein, oat bran, psyllium husks, inulin (chicory fiber), soy lecithin, baking powder, spices and natural flavors. The muffins are sweetened with xylitol (all natural sweetener) or sucralose (Splenda Brand).

Notice anything missing? No sugar. No salt. No preservatives. No transfats. No colors.

What about calories? Each whole muffin is under 100 calories. What about fat? Each muffin has 3 grams of fat from flax and sunflower seeds.

Top 10 reasons why Miracle Muffins can keep the doctors away:

1) Effective weight management - Insoluble fiber (eg. wheat bran) is effective at increasing your feeling of fullness. Satiety is a key component in component in effective weight management. If you feel full, you are less likely to snack and over eat.

2) Relieving constipation - Insoluble fiber (eg. wheat bran) provides bulking in the intestines which helps relieve constipation..

3) Cholesterol control - Soluble fiber (eg. oat bran) helps control cholesterol levels.

4) Diabetes management Type 2 - Soluble fiber (eg. oat bran) helps stabilize blood sugar in Type 2 diabetics.

5) Diabetes management Type 1 - Insoluble fiber (eg. wheat bran) has been shown in a research study to help reduce insulin requirements in Type 1 pregnant women.

6) Fiber is effective in removing toxins from your intestines.

7) Dietary fiber is protective against high C-reactive protein, which is a marker of inflammation recognized as predictor of future coronary heart disease and diabetes.

8) Dietary fiber may contribute to the prevention of hypertension.

9) At under 100 calories per muffin, 3 grams of fat and 7 grams of fiber per whole muffin (or 3 mini muffins), Miracle Muffins are ideal for all the popular diets including Weight Watchers, Atkins, South Beach, LA Weightloss, Zone, Fiber35 and The F-Factor (not officially endorsed by any of these programs).

10) Easy and fun to bake at home! The best part of these muffins is that you get to bake them yourself! Add water, mix and bake and you make fresh baked muffins from your own oven! No preservatives. No driving to the store. Refrigerate or freeze them and heat and serve.

Of course, not all muffins are created equal. Some muffins are designed to be a miracle and others are not.

Doesn't your family deserve to have their daily miracles in their lives?

Ramsey Makar is founder and owner of Miracle Muffins Miracle Muffins designs and manufactures muffin mixes safe for diabetics using low glycemic ingredients.

Our tasty muffins can be enjoyed by everyone. The ingredients include wheat bran, wheat gluten, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, isolated soy protein, oat bran, psyllium husks, inulin (chicory fiber), soy lecithin, baking powder, spices and natural flavors. The muffins are sweetened with either xylitol or Splenda. What's missing? No sugar. No flour. No transfats. No preservatives. No colors.

Tasty muffins that are possibly the World's Healthiest Muffins! At under 100 calories per whole muffin, 3 grams of fat from sunflower flax seeds and 7 grams of fiber per muffin, these muffins are popular with a lot of the famous diets. The muffins can be enjoyed by people on Weight Watchers, Atkins, South Beach, LA Weightloss, NutriSystem, Zone, Fiber35 and the F-Factor (none of these diets endorse Miracle Muffins in any way).

For more detailed information, visit our website at